FET Superspeciality Fellowship entrance test 2020 exam dates National Board of exams Fellowship Entrance Test (FET) 2020 11th October 2020
NBE shall be conducting the following examinations as per the calendar mentioned below, until any further updates: Name of the Examination Date of Examination* ...
User Deals: Prepguidance
- Course contents created by NEET-SS Topper Dr. Garima Sachdeva
- 13 hours Video content
- High yield Lecture Video on Important topics for the upcoming Neet SS obstetrics & gyneacology exam
- Recalls from previous exams also discussed
- Covers important topics in Obg, Reproductive Medicine and Gyneacologic Oncology
- Useful for gaining skills to crack NEET-SS FNB Exams for 2021 exams – Latest Recall solved questions included, also useful for JIPMER PGI AIIMS
- 90 days 5995
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good fellowship, you get to have hands on the last month of the fellowship